
标题: 《史志学刊》征稿启事 [打印本页]

作者: jssh365    时间: 2015-1-1 14:45
标题: 《史志学刊》征稿启事

电    话:0086-574-87202955(张世清)
0086-574-87208099(方  宁)
传    真:0086-574-87288239


一、来稿请以A4规格纸张(21×29.7m)横式(由左至右)书写,一律接收电子文档。电子文档采用word格式,图片采用jpg格式。字体使用正文为5号宋体;独立引文为5号楷体;注释与引文出处为小五号宋体。采用1.5倍行距。英文请采用Times New Roman字体。
原则上历史学科的英文论文写作的格式应遵照《芝加哥体例手册》(the Chicago Manual of Style)。
三、标点符号请使用中文常用标点符号,引号用“ ”,引号内之引号用‘ ’,连接线为一字线,破折号为两字连线。中文书名、期刊名等用《》,古籍书名与篇(章、卷)名连用时,用间隔号隔开,如《史记·秦始皇本纪》。西文书名采用斜体,如无法作斜体处理时,请在书名下划线,篇名则采用“”。
1. ***说:“……。”①
2. ***说“……”①。
3. ***说,“……”①。
4. ***说:“……”,“……”①。
如:Joe Dennis:《编纂方志当作战略性的行为》,犹他家谱学会沙其敏、钱正民编《中国族谱地方志研究》,上海:上海科学技术文献出版社,2003年,第243页。
  原则上英文史学论文引用西文文献应遵照《芝加哥体例手册》(the Chicago Manual of Style)。下列格式仅适用于中文论文。
如:Richard Von Glahn, Foutain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700, Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, 1996, pp. 220-221.
如:Heath B. Chamberlain, “On the search for Civil Society in China,” Mondern China, vol. 19, no. 2(April 1993), pp. 199-215.

Academic Journal of Local History and Gazetteers
Call for Papers

1. This is an international publication dedicated to promoting research in local history and gazetteer compilation, and exploring the use of those cultural and cultural resources.  The journal covers the following subfields: history of gazetteers, compilation of gazetteers and yearbooks, gazetteer characters, review of gazetteers, disciplinary development of gazetteers, genealogical research, folk literature and documents, oral history, field investigation, resource sharing, etc.

   2. The journal is managed by the International Center for Chinese Local Gazetteers in Ningbo, China, a non-entity academic organization led by the Office of the Chinese Local Gazetteer Steering Group, and is located at the Local Gazetteer Office of Ningbo Municipal Government. The journal is to be published in book form by Zhonghua Book Company twice a year in May and November, starting in late 2014.

   3. The journal is published in Chinese and English only.   In principle, articles should be no more than 20,000 characters in Chinese, or no more than 10,000 words in English.  The editor may return the manuscript to the author for revision if the limit is exceeded.  Book reviews are up to 6,000 characters in Chinese or 5,000 words in English.  Specially invited papers are arranged separately.

   4. Manuscript submissions should include the following information: titles in Chinese and English; summaries in Chinese and English with 200-500 words respectively; five keywords each in Chinese and English respectively; and authors personal information including name, gender, academic position (educational background), institution, mailing address with postal code and contact information such as e-mail, telephone and fax numbers.  For a book review in Chinese, please include an English translation of the original title and the author.  For a book review in English, please include a Chinese translation of the original title and the author.

   5. When citing reference sources in the manuscript, please select authoritative editions and proofread with the original texts for accuracy.  Please list bibliographical references at the end of the manuscript.  The bibliography should be limited to the references actually cited in the manuscripts, excluding any items not directly used. For translation manuscripts of any publication, please submit the original publication with the authorization for translation, and indicate the original author and publication source. All the related images must be attached, or sent in the package, in .jpg format, with their corresponding positions marked in the text.  The author is responsible for acquiring the images and the authorization for use.

   6. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should never have been published, neither in print nor on the web.  The journal accepts one manuscript at a time from the same author in principle.  For a conference paper, it is the author’s responsibility to confirm that the conference has no plan to publish proceedings. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not be submitted simultaneously for other publishing purposes; if that should happen, the journal will exclude the author from future publication.

   7. After passing the initial editorial review, each manuscript will be sent to two specialists for anonymous peer review.  If an author wishes to withdraw, please email the request to the journal within 15 days after the submission; however, if the journal has completed the peer review process of the manuscript by the time of withdrawal, no alternative submissions from the same author will be accepted for a year.  The journal publishes no more than one paper from the same author within a year.  The editorial board reserves the right to revise the manuscripts.  If any author is not willing to accept editorial revision, please declare in written when submitting.  The editor will inform the author whether a manuscript is accepted for publishing within three months after receiving it.

   8. The journal assumes no responsibility for copyright issues related to a manuscript’s contents, such as charts, tables, long citations, etc. Author should obtain written permission from copyright holders before submitting the manuscript to the journal. Manuscripts must not violate the copyright of any third party.  If any violation, such as plagiarism or unauthorized reproduction, should happen, the author, not the journal, shall have the sole legal responsibility and obligation.

   9. The author owns the copyright of his/her published works, and the journal owns exclusive right of usage. Any reprint, reproduction or translation of the published works are required the written consent from the journal in advance, except when an author publishes his/her own collective works.

   10. In addition to the printed version, the journal may publish online versions and compact discs, as well as authorizing users for downloading, printing, browsing, etc.  The journal may change the format and style in order to meet the needs of digitalization.  In such cases, the journal will not offer additional royalties or fees for the published articles.  If an author wishes his/her works to be published in print only, please specifically declare so when submitting for publishing.  If no declaration is filed, the author will be regarded as having accepted the above activities.

   11. The journal pays royalty to authors based on relevant policies and provisions.  The journal provides the author three copies of the issue in which the author’s article is published and twenty copies of the article offprint. The royalty includes the reward for the right of usage, such as reproduction, distribution, compilation, translation and communication on the information network.  If there are reservations about this practice, please declare them when submitting for publishing.

Academic Journal of Local History and Gazetteers
Editorial Board
Local Gazetteer Office of Ningbo Municipality Government
79 Cangshui Street, Changsha Building, 8th Floor
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315000
People’s Republic of CHINA
86-574-87202955 (Zhang Shiqing)
86-574-87288651 (Gao Shuming)
86-574-87208099 (Fang Ning)

Format & Style Guidelines

1. Please write in horizontal format (from left to right) on A4 size paper, and submit in the electronic form only.  An electronic manuscript shall be in the WORD format with 1.5 line spacing, while images in the JPG format. The text in Chinese shall use No. 5 Song ti character type, with independent citations in No. 5 Kai ti character type, annotation and provenance in small No. 5 Song ti characters. Manuscripts in English shall use the font of Time New Roman.

In principle, the style of English writing in the field of history shall follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

2. Each paper shall contain introduction and conclusion as separate sections, regardless of length of the article. The middle sections of the main body shall be subtitled, and marked in the primary and secondary orders as A、(a)、1、(1).

3. Manuscripts in Chinese shall use Chinese common punctuation marks as following: quotation marks“ ”, quotation marks within quotation‘ ’; hyphen as a short horizontal line, and dash as two connected horizontal lines; quotation marks for Chinese books and journals 《》, etc.  When a book associated with a chapter title or volume number should be in a same book quotation mark with a dot spacer in-between, such as 《史记· 秦始皇本纪》. Book titles in foreign languages shall be in italics, or being underlined if italics are not possible, while using quotation marks for the chapter titles, or the article titles within a book or journal.

4. Paragraphs and citations.  Each paragraph shall start with two spaces before the first word of writing.  Cited reference shall be quoted in quotation marks and can be included in the text. If the cited quotation is relatively long, it can be transcribed as a separate paragraph or paragraphs with four spaces before the first word of the first line and two spaces before the first word of the additional lines of the paragraph, while no quotation marks are needed.

5. Annotation. Annotation is a note for comment or explanation. Annotation and citations shall be marked as footnote at the bottom of each page, and sequentially numbered as ①②③ at the top right corner of the body text. When a citation of a source appears for the first time, author must cite the entire source; however, as the same source appears for the second time or more, brief expression should be allowed. When the cited sources include multiple languages, the order for listing shall be Chinese, Japanese, and Western languages.

6. Position of punctuations and annotation numbers in a citation of the manuscript in Chinese.  Annotation numbers shall be placed before the final punctuation except after a complete citation.  
(1)   ***说:“……。”①
(2)   ***说“……”①。
(3)   ***说,“……”①。
(4)   ***说:“……”,“……”①。
  In a separate paragraph or paragraphs of citation, annotation number shall be placed after the last period.  English writing shall follow the Chicago Manual of Style for the positions of punctuations and annotation numbers.

7. Year expression.  Chinese historical chronicle down to the republican period shall be expressed in Chinese characters, with Gregorian calendar year in Arabic number only and in parentheses.  
鲁隐公五年(前718),光绪二十一年(1895), etc.  

8. Citation Format
(1) Monograph
    Responsible person or responsible body: literature title, publishing place: publisher, publishing time, page number. In citing translated works, translator’s name can be placed after the literature title.
杨联陞:《中国制度史研究》,彭刚、程钢译,南京:江苏人民出版社,2007年, 第11—12页。

⑵ Collective Literature
Responsible person: literature title, responsible person or responsible body: collective literature title, publishing place: publisher, publishing time, page number.
Joe Dennis:《编纂方志当作战略性的行为》,犹他家谱学会沙其敏、钱正民编《中国族谱地方志研究》,上海:上海科学技术文献出版社,2003年,第243页。

       ⑶ Classic Books
     (a) Block-printed edition
Period (Reign Title) in parentheses, Responsible person or responsible body: literature title (volume number, chapter title, category), edition, page number.
     (b) Facsimile or photocopy
Period (Reign Title) in parentheses, Responsible person or responsible body: literature title (volume number, chapter title, category), publishing place: publisher, publishing time.  May indicate the original editions for facsimile or Photocopy.
(宋) 范成大:《吴郡志》卷一,载《宋元方志丛刊》,北京:中华书局,1990,据民国十五年(1926)张氏《择是居丛书》景宋刻本影印。
  (c) The punctuated and collated editions
Period (Reign Title) in parentheses, Responsible person or responsible body: literature title (volume number, chapter title, category), publishing place: publisher, publishing time.  May mark punctuated edition or collated edition after the publish time.
  (d) Local gazetteers
Period (Reign Title) in parentheses, Responsible person or responsible body: Calendar year under the reign title with literature title, volume number, volume name, edition.  May indicate the original edition for facsimile or Photocopy.

(4) Journal Articles
Responsible person: article title, journal title year (volume number or publishing time), page number.

   (5) Dissertations and Theses, Conference Proceedings
Responsible Person: document title, category, location or institution, document time, page number.

   (6) Newspaper Articles
Responsible person: article title, newspaper title, publish time, page number.

   (7) Archives
Document title, time, file number or other number, archives location.

   (8) Generally, resources from the Internet are not permitted.  

   (9) English Literature
In principle, citation of Western language literature in an English research paper in the history field shall follow the Chicago Manual of Style.  The following guidelines for citing English literature apply to the Chinese research articles only.
(a) Monograph
Responsible person or responsible body: literature title, publishing place: publisher, publishing time, page number.
Richard Von Glahn, Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700, Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1996, pp. 220-221.
(b) Journal
Responsible person: article title, journal title, volume number with publishing time, page number.
Heath B. Chamberlain, “On the search for Civil Society in China,” Modern China, vol. 19, no. 2 (April 1993), pp. 199-215.

   (10) When a same reference is cited again, reference citation can be in a brief way that includes only the responsible person, title and page number.

   (11) Bibliography should be placed at the end of the entire article. The style of the bibliography shall be similar to the citation, except no page numbers and having a period mark after the literature title. When the bibliography includes multiple languages, the order for listing shall place the Chinese resources before other languages.  Chinese and Japanese resources shall be listed by the pinyin order of the authors’ family names, while English literature listed by the alphabetical order of the authors’ last names.

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