
标题: 卫星鸟瞰景观 [打印本页]

作者: jssh365    时间: 2015-2-18 06:59
标题: 卫星鸟瞰景观
译者:ringohan原文作者:Alan Taylor


A neighborhood of Winnipeg, Manitoba with the Red River flowing through.

2. Lac Metgermette附近,林间一条弯弯曲曲的通道构成美国与加拿大之间的边境线,图中上端是魁北克,下端是缅因州。
A zig-zag cuts through the forest to mark the U.S.-Canada border near Lac Metgermette Quebec on top, Maine on the bottom.  

Farm fields and an interchange near Saint-Pacome, Quebec.

4. 曼尼巴托省温克勒北部的方格网状农田。
A grid of farm fields north of Winkler, Manitoba.

5. 位于纽芬兰的Dungeon省立公园。  
Dungeon Provincial Park in Newfoundland

6. 大不列颠哥伦比亚省北部的地震测量线以及从事石油勘探的通道。林间均匀布置的直线大多是为安装在卡车上设备而开辟的通道,设备从事地下地质勘探活动,定期把声波输入地面,利用回升波寻找地下矿藏。Seismic lines and access roads to allow for petroleum exploration in northern British Columbia. See it mapped. Most of the evenly-spaced straight lines cut through the trees are trails cut for equipment mounted on trucks to make sub-surface geological surveys, sending sound waves into the ground at regular intervals, listening for echoes to find out what lies below.

7. 阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里市中心。
Downtown Calgary, Alberta.

8. 曼尼托巴省西南部的农田。
Fields in southwestern Manitoba.

9. Rapides-des-Iles水电厂周围纵横交错的人工修建的线路。图中底部较宽的条带是为大型输电线路清除的通道,细线是阀门道路和通道。
Human-made lines criss-cross the area around the Rapides-des-Iles hydroelectric generating station. See it mapped. The broader stripes at bottom are cleared areas for huge power-lines, the smaller lines are logging roads and access roads.

10. 萨斯喀彻温省,网络状农田包围着的小镇皮勒莱特(左)和赛普特(右)。 A grid of farm fields surround the small towns of Prelate (center left) and Sceptre (center right), Saskatchewan.

11. 魁北克省圣波利卡普附近,农田变成了高尔夫球场。
A field turned into a golf course near Saint-Polycarpe, Quebec

12. 蒙特利尔的罗亚尔山。
Mt Royal, Montreal

13. 图中上中部,韦兰运河(蓝色)横穿韦兰河(深色)。韦兰运河连接安大略湖和伊利湖,穿过安大略省的韦兰市。The Welland Canal (blue) crosses over Welland River (tan) at top center. See it mapped. The Welland Canal connects Lake Ontario with Lake Erie, passing through Welland, Ontario.

14. 魁北克省Saint-Gedeon-de-Beauce附近,森林采伐活动留下的图案。
Patterns left in the forest by logging activity near Saint-Gedeon-de-Beauce, Quebec.

15. 魁北克省城堡市(La Citadelle)星状的城堡墙。
Star-shaped fortress walls of La Citadelle in Quebec

16. 魁北克省圣拉扎尔(Saint-Lazare)附近铁路专用线上的6列火车。
Six trains sit on rail sidings near Saint-Lazare, Quebec.

17. 阿尔伯塔省Burnstick湖附近的伐木业、道路、地震勘探以及石油勘探。Logging activity, access roads, seismic lines and petroleum exploration near Burnstick Lake, Alberta

18. 跨越加拿大东部被清除出的输电线路走廊的细节。这里遍布着几十条线路,图中是其中一条。Detail of one of dozens of long pathways cleared for hydroelectric power lines across eastern Canada

19. 安大略省剑桥密集的住宅区,旁边就是农田。
A densely-built neighborhood of Cambridge, Ontario, alongside farm fields.

20. 魁北克省La Baie附近的花岗岩采石场。
A granite quarry near La Baie, Quebec.

21. 魁北克省Yamaska附近,一条河流从农场中蜿蜒流过。
A river twists among farm fields near Yamaska, Quebec

22. 魁北克省泰勒博恩附近一座水处理厂。
A water treatment plant near Terrebonne, Quebec

23. L'Usine Grande-Baie冶炼厂是力拓集团在魁北克一家冶炼厂,每年生产铝22万吨。
L'Usine Grande-Baie, a smelter owned by Rio Tinto Alcan in Quebec that produces 220,000 tons of aluminum per year.  

24. 魁北克省的塞特福德矿。
Thetford Mines, Quebec.

25. 漂浮不列颠哥伦比亚省纳奈莫海港外侧的原木。
Logs float outside the harbor of Nanaimo, British Columbia

26. 魁北克省sabrevois,农田中间孤零零地站立着一个四方形树林。
A single square of autumn-colored trees stands among farm fields near Sabrevois, Quebec.

27. 阿尔伯塔省埃德森市附近的地震测量线和天然气勘探活动。
Seismic lines, natural gas exploration activity near Edson, Alberta

28.魁北克省Les-Iles-de-la-Madeleine市Cap-aux-Meules的防波堤和港口 。
Breakwater and harbor of Cap-aux-Meules, Les-Iles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec.

29. 蒙特利尔的街道。
The streets of Montreal

30. 查伦岛上,通往蒙特利尔的四叶式立交桥以及隧道引线。
Cloverleaf and access to a tunnel leading to Montreal on Ile Charron

31. 拉布拉多的Wabush铁矿:露天铁矿。
Mines, Labrador: open pit iron ore mine.

32. Opinaca水库边上凸显的白色湖岸线。
A white border exposed on the shores of the Opinaca reservoir

33. Coteau-du-Lac附近农场边,Genco 公司仓库里停放的货车。
Cargo vehicles parked in a Genco warehouse lot beside farms near Coteau-du-Lac.

34. 不列颠哥伦比亚省北部的地震监测线和天然气探测活动。
Seismic lines and natural gas exploration in northern British Columbia.

35. 瓦比贡湖上,安大略省德莱顿的一部分。
Part of Dryden, Ontario, on Wabigoon Lake.

36. 安大略省Huffs Corners附近河流与小溪之间网格状的农田。
A grid of farms among rivers and streams near Huffs Corners, Ontario.

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